Licences and authorisations

Conducting business without the necessary licences and permits is illegal and may result in hefty fines and closure of your business.

Please select the type of licence you are interested in.

  1. Licences for financial service providers:
    • Provision of virtual currency exchange services
    • Licences for financial institutions
    • Authorisations for trust and company service providers
  2. Licences issued by the Financial Supervision Authority:
    • Licences for small alternative investment fund managers
    • Licences for investment companies
    • Registration of small funds in Estonia
  3. Notice of economic activities of a building company
  4. Notice of economic activities of a travel agency
  5. Notice of economic activities of an intermediary of temporary agency work
  6. Notice of economic activities of an job mediator

Some companies, including virtual currency exchange service providers, fledgling investment companies, professional players on the securities market, insurance companies and insurance brokers need to apply for a licence or authorisation. Find out what licences and permits your company needs, how to submit a relevant application and how to maintain the validity of your licence. Our experts will help you decide what solutions are best for your company.

Once you have chosen the type of licence, you can apply for it on-line if you are an e-resident of the Republic of Estonia. The on-line application procedure has a number of clear benefits:

  1. Your application will be processed faster.
  2. You can check the status of your application on-line and promptly take the necessary steps if the regulator has any remarks or questions.